So here’s the question..
Do I have a problem with alcohol? Or worse, am I an alcoholic? Do I even need to ask myself that question just because I am considering banning the bottle from my life?
There’s such a stigma with people who cannot handle their relationship with alcohol, like they are the ones that are the ones to be seen as the problem.
Not the alcohol.
It’s funny, the rest of society would never turn around and use heroin or cocaine or any other drug as a normal day to day drug. Mums on the school run would never say “Oh it’s been one of those days when a line is just the thing that I need”. Offices wouldn’t promote cocaine after work to be sociable. We wouldn’t feel inclined to get high at a wedding or gurn at a funeral together.
But alcohol, that is a different matter entirely..It is ok. It is acceptable.
If you don’t drink in this day and age you are in the minority. You are one of the 20% that chooses not to drink. You are an outsider. You are someone who ends up becoming the topic of conversation because “Kelly doesn’t drink”. People look at your sober status and judge immediately because they feel like if you’re not drinking you automatically judge everyone else who does.
I don’t drink every day. I don’t drink in the mornings (apart from on holiday, Christmas or the kind of occasion when a prosecco and orange juice is acceptable- like everyone else right?) I don’t go out clubbing – that lost it’s appeal when I was about 22 and instead I chose to sit in, in my pjs with a glass of wine instead. I probably drink about the same as a “normal” adult? On average perhaps 3/4 bottles of wine a week and then every now and then me and the husband will get a bottle of rum.
So why bother to stop?
Well, while my alcohol consumption could be classed as ( I believe ) normal, I don’t feel like my reaction to it, or relationship with it is something that really benefits me in any way. I suffer with anxiety which is always exacerbated after a night of drinking, so much so that more often than not I will end up finding it hard to breathe or waking up at 3 in the morning, sweating and in the midst of a full blown panic attack. Not only do I have the “beer fear” but I also find myself wondering what I said or did whilst drunk. I blackout even after just a couple of glasses of wine and it goes from completely aware and ‘in-control’ to ‘what the fuck’ real quick.
Instead of using and abusing alcohol to commiserate a bad day, to celebrate a great day, to lubricate social events and escape feelings of discomfort I have decided that I need to become fully present and start showing up clear headed and bright-eyed in life.
Today is my birthday, I am officially 28 years old. I woke up hangover free to my long suffering husband getting ready for work, who gave me my birthday card and a kiss. Inside he wrote that I was an ‘amazing woman’ which I feel is somewhat undeserved but I love him and I am just grateful that he loves me back.
I decided a few months ago that I wanted to go sober for my 28th year on this planet, I was scared to tell people, I guess I still am. Perhaps it is the fear of failure that is stopping me from announcing my self imposed challenge to everyone around me? Perhaps I am scared to get a label stamped on my back, right next to the one that says “used to have an eating disorder”. Either way I know inside that this is something that I need to do for me, for my husband, for my family and for my business. I don’t doubt that it could be really hard, but then again, the harder it is the more that it confirms that it’s something that will benefit my life.
I have been doing a lot of research and listening to podcasts, audiobooks by Clare Pooley, Catherine Grey and speaking to an amazing man called Michael Maisey who is one of the key people that has inspired me to do this. I will try to document this journey as much as possible to keep me accountable and help me to stay on track.
All I have had in my head this morning is the guy from Mulan with the long moustache saying “Day One” as Mulan and the recruits are all training.
Even if no one reads this I’m hoping that it will help me to not feel so alone. After all one of the first people I told immediately asked me If I was planning to get pregnant which immediately made me realise that I will perhaps not get the most support from those around me!
So here it goes!
P.s No i’m not trying to get pregnant.