you can do anything you set your mind to. . .


"It's like a software update, but for your brain"

If you have struggled with unhelpful patterns of thoughts, behaviours and beliefs you'll know how difficult it can feel to shift out of them.

This is because it's believed that we only use about 10% of our brain's capacity. Yes, you read that right – just a teeny-tiny 10%! The rest? Is believed to be the subconscious, that powerful, often elusive part of our mind holding the key to profound personal growth. Imagine what could happen if you unlocked even a fraction more of your brain’s potential!

CBH is like a secret weapon for your mental toolkit. It's where the power of hypnosis meets the science of cognitive behavioural therapy. Together, they create a powerful synergy that helps you reframe negative thoughts, tackle deep-seated fears, and build a healthier, more productive mindset.

How does hypnosis work?

Contrary to popular belief Hypnotherapy isn’t about losing control or performing silly tricks – it's about gaining a deeper understanding of your mind. During a session, you'll generally enter a state of focused attention and even relaxation, where you are more open to positive suggestions and therapeutic techniques. It’s a safe, effective way to address various issues and people experience hypnosis in a range of different ways. Some people will feel as though they are in a daydream, others will be more alert and aware. There's no 'right' way to experience hypnosis and you will only accept suggestions and ideas that are beneficial to you and your life.

let go of

  • anxious or obsessive thoughts
  • sleeping problems
  • stress and tension
  • self-sabotage
  • low confidence
  • bad habits
  • negative self-talk
  • creative blocks
  • getting in your own way
  • phobias
  • problematic patterns of behaviour
  • reliance on smoking/drinking
  • negative beliefs and stories
  • fears that are holding you back

call in

  • feeling calm and relaxed
  • better sleep
  • clarity
  • confidence
  • connection to yourself and to life
  • more opportunities in life, work and relationships
  • authenticity
  • better relationships
  • a sense of control over bad habits and addictive tendencies
  • enhanced creativity and inspiration
  • more choice to live the life you want to
  • more resilience to handle life's challenges
  • success
  • freedom

Can I benefit from hypnotherapy?

There are common misconceptions that only certain types people can be hypnotised. So here's the truth:

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis is a skill. So anyone can be hypnotised and can benefit from hypnotherapy. As with any skill there are high-responders and low responders, but scientific research shows that with hypnotic skills training you it is something you can improve with practice.

If you are someone who is willing to become an active participant in the change you want to make, are able to listen and focus to suggestions, have an open mind,  positive expectations and are ready to live on your own terms then hypnotherapy is for you.

After struggling with certain areas and in particular public speaking in large events. I booked some hypnotherapy sessions with Emily. Honestly, if you are looking for someone who will listen to you, with no judgement, point you in the right direction and provide you the tools to help you on your journey, then look no further. After having the sessions, my confidence has grown and im able to identify and manage my push points. I am so very grateful to her for all her support and without those sessions, I wouldn't be where I was today, someone who has just presented to a very large audience, where I felt in total control. Considering hypnotherapy??? Then please place your trust in Emily. x


are you ready?

Book your session

Stop Smoking with Hypnotherapy

If you are ready to quit the idea that you are a slave to nicotine and instead see your smoking for what it is; a hardwired habit that can be changed, then it's time to look into quitting with Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy.

Research has shown that hypnosis is an extremely quick and effective technique that enables you to rewire the neurological pathways in your brain that fuel unhelpful habits and thinking patterns. Combining the power of hypnosis with CBT has been shown to increase the effectiveness of smoking cessation treatment.

Together we'll understand your smoking habit, decondition from the ideas and beliefs you have around it and reprogram your mind to see yourself as a happy, healthy non-smoker. The only pre-requisite is a genuine desire to achieve your goal of quitting smoking. 

What to expect;

- An initial consultation call and questionnaire 1 week before your appointment

- Pre-session tasks to be done between the consultation and session

- A single 2-2.5 hour session to kick your smoking habit and step out into life as a non-smoker

- A hypnosis audio from the session to listen to for at least 2 weeks post session

- An additional hypnosis as a fail-safe if you are tempted by cravings or thoughts of smoking

- An additional optional 40minute top-up session within 6 weeks of the 2.5 hour session

Book now

Free 15 minute clarity call

Clarity calls are recommended if you're looking to work with me 1-1. These give you the change to ask me any questions you may have about the kinds of sessions I run and for us to determine whether we would be a good fit.

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